Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yedi'os Klaliyos


B’Taryag Mitzvos                                                                                                                                                           
בתרי״ג מצNNOות
חי נ וך מצוה י ׳
eat matzoh on the night
going into the fifteenth
day of Nissan.
There is an obligation to
made from the same
ingredients and could
look exactly the same but
one became chometz and
the other was watched so
that it did not become
Chometz and matzoh are
grain that can be used in
making matzoh are:
wheat, barley, rye, oats,
and spelt.
There are five types of
matzoh must be drawn
before night fall and left
above ground the entire
Water used for baking
Mitzvos Related to Pesach
There are twenty seven mitzvos Min HaTorah that deal exclusively with
the Yom Tov of Pesach (eighteen negative commandments and nine
positive ones). Most of the twenty seven mitzvos pertain to korbonos that
are brought on Pesach and do not apply today. Eleven out of the twelve
that are applicable today are related to chometz and matzoh. Chometz and
matzoh are made from the same ingredients and could look exactly the
same (two loaves of bread), but one became chometz and the other was
watched so that it did not become chometz.
Source of the Mitzvah
There is an obligation to eat matzoh on the night going into the fifteenth
day of Nissan
amount, the shiur (amount) that one is required to eat is a kezayis
obligation of eating a kezayis matzoh on the first night of Pesach is learned
out of the posuk in Parshas Bo that says …
dependent on the Korbon Pesach and therefore it applies today even
though there is no Beis Hamikdosh. This obligation applies to men, women, and slaves
(Eved Canaani). A person who does not eat a kezayis of matzoh the night of the
fifteenth day of Nissan transgresses this commandment
1. Like all food related mitzvos that have no specified2. This3 תאכלו מצות . This mitzvah is not4.
Makeup of the Matzah
Matzoh that is used for the mitzvah during the seder must be made with grain that
could become chometz if it was not watched properly
can be used in making matzoh are: wheat, barley, rye, oats, and spelt. Any other starch
that could be ground into flour is not qualified to become matzoh to fulfill the Torah’s
added, the matzoh would become disqualified for the mitzvah. This is because it has to
be Lechem Oni (the bread of a poor man) and having the flavor of the other liquids is
not considered Lechem Oni
water at all, it would not qualify as matzoh to be used for the mitzvah since it cannot
become chometz

Qualified Types of Matzoh
Matzah made from tevel or Maaser Rishon that had no terumah separated
from it does not qualify for this mitzvah
qualify for this mitzvah. If wheat or flour were stolen and then made into
matzoh, the matzah would qualify
Matzoh should be made
challah dough or terumah. Matzoh made from Bikkurim may
not be used since the matzoh has to be capable of being eaten
anywhere in Eretz Yisroel and Bikkurim can only be eaten in
Yerusholayim. Although Maaser Sheni must be eaten in
Yerusholayim, matzoh made from Maaser Sheini may be
used since it could be redeemed and eaten anywhere
9. Matzoh that was stolen does not10 but no brocho of Hamotzi or Achilas11. Kohanim could use matzoh made from hafroshas12.
Details of Making the Matzoh
Although Nissan is the last month of the winter, water that is
underground gets heated up from the sun before it rises
Warm water is not good for baking matzos since it makes the
dough become chometz much quicker. Therefore, water used for
baking matzoh must be drawn before night fall and left above
ground the entire night
A person who has no way of getting matzoh for Pessach may buy flour
from the market and make matzoh. It is preferable to buy kernels and
do the grinding yourself to make sure no water came in contact with it.
The most preferable matzoh is made from kernels that were watched
from the time they were harvested
dough should not be left unattended even for a second. The dough
would not become chometz unless it was left unattended for eighteen
13.14.15. Once the kneading begins the16.
חינוך ורמבם עשה קנח
מנחת חינוך אות ב
שמות י״ב פסוק י״ח
רמבם פרק ו מהלכות חמץ ומצה הלכה ד
שו״ע או״ח סי׳ תנ״ג ס׳ א׳
משנה ברורה סי׳ תס״ב ס״ק ח׳
רמבם שם הלכה ג עם מגיד משנה
רמבם שם הלכה ז
שו״ע שם סי׳ תנ״ד ס׳ ד׳
משנה ברורה שם ס״ק י״ח
רמבם שם הלכה ח
רש״י פסחים דף מב. ד״ה שלנו
שו״ע שם סי׳ תנ״ה
שו״ע שם סי׳ תנ״ג ס׳ ד׳
שו״ע שם סי׳ תנ״ט ס׳ ב׳
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questions please email

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